Are you curious if the world of BDSM is for you? Maybe you have looked at kink porn and felt surprisingly aroused. Perhaps walked by a sex shop with a window exhibition of latex and cuffs. Or more likely in today’s world, you have seen fifty shades of grey and desired to be Anastasia instead of Christian.
Personally, I feel honored to guide people into the vast domain of kink. I am super excited every time I get the opportunity to allow newbies to try things they have fantasized about in real life.
At first, we have conversations on text to figure out what you would like to try and what is off limits. Then, when we meet in person, these are followed up by a detailed introduction and agreement between the two of us of what will be explored within a session.
After exploring curiosity, content and limits, the real fun begins. Once you emerge from the shower in our agreed upon attire, I will have a session planned specifically for your needs and desires. I carefully start at a low level of impact and check in when felt necessary as I gradually increase intensity throughout our time together.
If anything we try is not your cup of tea, I make sure you are ok to continue with something else or if you would like to pause and debrief about the activity. In a tempo suitable to us both, I guide you through pain and pleasure until we reach a climax and then hold space for you as you transition back to everyday consciousness.
Once the session is over, we have a chat about how the various elements were to you. I encourage you to share from your experience and what you enjoyed and what might not have been as expected. I make sure you are in a good condition to leave, before sending you off with unparalleled memories and either a fully scratched itch or the beginning of a beautiful journey into the universe of kink.