I'm on my way to a business dinner, I casually reply to the nosy Uber driver as I powder my nose with one hand and straighten the lacy panties under my pencil skirt with the other. Ah ok mam, he replies as he takes another extra long look at me in the mirror.
Then, I remember that I'm in an Uber for Jack. I keep my fingers crossed he either thinks Jack is my boss or my name is Jacqueline. Either way, he better find my answers polite enough to maintain Jack's impeccable rating.
My heart beats faster and my attempt to casually straighten my thong ends up twisting it the wrong way and deeper into my butt crack. Dammit I say out loud as a hot flash comes over me and I say a quick prayer it won't leave my skin flushed or lady parts inconveniently moist.
Once we pull up at the Four Seasons, I attempt to politely thank the driver as I elegantly slide out of the Uber. Then, my inner super woman takes over and I immaculately straighten my panties, make my blouse and skirt appear appropriately business womanesque and lightly fluff up my loose curls. I walk with a balance of confidence and modesty over to the entrance as if there is no doubt I stay there. I glide in past reception casually discreet to avoid any attention as I head for the elevators.
A lovely date awaits. As I enter the elevator a grateful smile spreads all over my face knowing I'm about to do what I love.