Posts in sex
Breaks and Break-ups

I love my job. It's taken me over 10 years to finally dare become a sex worker, what I always wanted. Surely, I would be the last person to give up my beloved profession and lifestyle for a man?

Think again. Before being bewildered by a boyfriend and prospects of a "normal" life, I never doubted my choices in life. Then, I too got lured away by love. At least what I thought was love at the moment. While in my mind, love should be unconditional. In this case it was conditioned by me having to reluctantly agree to seeing my work as morally wrong.

The strong, independent woman I thought I was caved into conditioned love. I no longer felt good about working and took an indefinite break while struggling to adapt to a life of Netflix, chill and dog walks. 

To be loved I gave up my life. I lied and humoured my man and his limited view on sex work as amoral.

Personally, I find sex work beautiful. It allows for genuine connection, exploration of sexuality, and gives space for people to be free and exactly who they want to be, even if just for an hour. Every hour I worked I felt privileged to be a guide in the realm of sexuality. Then I turned around and gave it all up to fit into a box that was never fitted for me.

You may wonder where the story ends? Well, I realised that someone who can't love me for who I am will never accept me as an equal. I choose to take the good memories with me as I decide to be myself again, fully. No limitations and no shame. I am at a stage where my life is exactly what I designed it to be, doing what I love, being happy and free. No one can tell me that's the wrong place to be.

Ménage à Trois

A woman's touch awakens dormant desires in me. The softness. The sensuality. The sensations of her hand stroking my skin. If simply her fingers makes me tingle from head to toe, her tongue must surely be pure bliss.

If I get excited only from thinking about a woman’s touch, then a man touched by not one, but two women at once must be close to nirvana. If I was a man, that would be my ultimate fantasy. Hey, writing about it makes me wonder if perhaps it might be mine too.

Seeing couples or adding another female to the mix in a booking has been some of my favourite bookings. Nothing compares to the delight of exploration and the many possible opportunities for simultaneously sharing and receiving pleasure.   

Combining the soft female with the more firm male is the perfect combination for someone who wants it all. Now, dear reader, please let me indulge in this delight again soon...

The Outcall Experience

I'm on my way to a business dinner, I casually reply to the nosy Uber driver as I powder my nose with one hand and straighten the lacy panties under my pencil skirt with the other. Ah ok mam, he replies as he takes another extra long look at me in the mirror. 

Then, I remember that I'm in an Uber for Jack. I keep my fingers crossed he either thinks Jack is my boss or my name is Jacqueline. Either way, he better find my answers polite enough to maintain Jack's impeccable rating.

My heart beats faster and my attempt to casually straighten my thong ends up twisting it the wrong way and deeper into my butt crack. Dammit I say out loud as a hot flash comes over me and I say a quick prayer it won't leave my skin flushed or lady parts inconveniently moist.

Once we pull up at the Four Seasons, I attempt to politely thank the driver as I elegantly slide out of the Uber. Then, my inner super woman takes over and I immaculately straighten my panties, make my blouse and skirt appear appropriately business womanesque and lightly fluff up my loose curls. I walk with a balance of confidence and modesty over to the entrance as if there is no doubt I stay there. I glide in past reception casually discreet to avoid any attention as I head for the elevators.

A lovely date awaits. As I enter the elevator a grateful smile spreads all over my face knowing I'm about to do what I love.

Triple Life

I’m bartending and waitressing at a private party tonight so I can’t join. In one way, I am telling the truth. I will be pouring drinks. I am simply leaving out what I’ll serve for main course; me.

When friends and family ask about my work, I never lie completely, I just don’t tell the whole truth.

I’ve been bartending on and off for ten years. Occasionally, I still work at private parties, although I prefer pouring drinks in a much more intimate setting. In my life now, I create the best drinks naked or wearing sexy lingerie, and serve them to a lover or a couple of lovers.

Other times, I say I am a yoga teacher. I am a yoga teacher, I have 500 h of training behind me, have taught in three countries, and often end up using skills I acquired in a job. I owe my flexibility, mental clarity, breathing technique, and creative positioning of my body to yoga.

Am I really lying and living a double or even triple life when I am only leaving out sharing certain aspects of my life in conversation with certain people?

Fuck My Brains Off

I am crazy about sex. It is one of my favorite human activities. Ever since my first orgasm at the age of eleven, I knew I found a method to match my madness.

Sex quickly became both an escape from and an intensification of life for me. Exploring my sexuality gave me space from the mundane activities I found unsatisfying and transported me to a realm of pleasure. Having sex with myself or a partner taught me so much about the way my body and mind works.

During sex, my senses are heightened and I live only right there in the moment. I exist for the experience of pleasure and the delights of physicality. I am all being, all feeling, all sensation, temporarily released from the cage of my thoughts.

The natural high of sex is incomparable to anything else. To me it is my meditation, my method of ecstacy, and my way of discovering deeper levels of myself. I find great satisfaction in taking people on pleasure journeys with me, where we leave our limitations and thoughts behind to simply be.