This is the best time to visit a sex worker
Why on Earth is the midpoint of a pandemic a good time to see a sex worker?
First, we are already extremely careful about hygiene and sanitization of our workspace. The pending threat of disease makes us even more cautious, so rest assured, you're most likely stepping into one of the last places a virus would survive.
Second, the public fear has made some clients cancel their bookings and others think twice about making one. As a result those who decide to see us will really make our day and be shown how much we value them as a client.
Third, in a time of gloom, you are much better suited to deal with whatever life throws at you when you're happy. That's where we come in. Sex and physical touch are directly related to happiness. Some may even go as far as saying sex is the key to happiness and good health.
Now, I highly encourage you to visit your local sex worker, gain some valuable sanitization tips, share some laughs and protected intimacy and leave with a smile on your face. If anything, it should prepare you to more easily slide through what may become a time of even greater despair.