Posts tagged feminine shadow
Dark Goddess

I wrote my master’s dissertation on the topic of the Dark Goddess and the Feminine Shadow. On this date, seven years ago, I moved to Australia with the intention of a six month break before continuing my PhD work on the same topic. I never went back.

Instead, I fell in love with Australia and put my PhD studies on hold indefinitely. I tried putting the Dark Goddess at the back of my mind. At the same time, I started working as a Dominatrix. Oblivious to how my choice of profession was a practical extension of my studies in a modern day setting. 

Instead of researching and writing, I became the Dark Goddess.

It’s not until I sit here today, seven years later, reflecting on the years I’ve called Australia home, that I can see how my choice of profession is clearly related to my studies. Sometimes, you need to take the time to sit down, reflect on how you got to where you are now, to realize how it's all connected. Even if it’s never occurred to you before.

Will I ever go back to my PhD dissertation? I might, but my thesis could be different. Perhaps it will be an inquiry into the Dark Goddess in Her modern guise. But, I’m in no rush to get back to academic writing. I’m having too much fun embracing more and more of the Dark Goddess in myself.